Installation & setup#

You can install the module form PyPI (or from git by the standard commands).

python -m pip install python_x509_pkcs11

Setup of OS packages and environment variables#

We will need the module for the HSM device and the secret PIN code and the Token Name in the HSM device. For the development we will use softhsm to emulate a physical device.

The following script will help you to install the packages and setup the environment.

if awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release | grep -i "debian\|ubuntu"
    # Ubuntu / Debian
    sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip softhsm2
    sudo usermod -a -G softhsm $USER
    # Redhat / Centos / Fedora
    sudo dnf install python3-devel python3-pip softhsm gcc
    sudo usermod -a -G ods $USER

# Update your softhsm group membership
exec sudo su -l $USER

# export env values the code will use
if awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release | grep -i "debian\|ubuntu"
    export PKCS11_MODULE="/usr/lib/softhsm/"
    export PKCS11_MODULE="/usr/lib64/softhsm/"
export PKCS11_PIN="1234"
export PKCS11_TOKEN="my_test_token_1"

# Delete the previous token if exists
softhsm2-util --delete-token --token $PKCS11_TOKEN

# Initialize a new fresh PKCS11 token
softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label $PKCS11_TOKEN --pin $PKCS11_PIN --so-pin $PKCS11_PIN

At this moment your system is ready for using the module.